Sunday, December 1, 2019


Such text however mostly still can be verified, thought the key ID displayed is wrong. I can understand the confusion. November 18, - 4: Glad to know that people are geting use out of WinPT Portable. This frequently requested feature has been accepted but no one of the old developers wanted to add it or had not time. February 13, - 5: So far not sure which part of it is purely winpt, which portable and which part concerns the gpg itself. winpt 1.2.0

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It adds some spaces, this would not harm too much, but on some occasions some chars which have actually no proper wnpt attached under windows to it. This could be solved a few ways 1.

Windows Privacy Tray - WinPT

When such file is closed and opened again, the sig will turn bad. June 25, - 5: However if you replace that gpg. Try to become final. July 11, - I am still pushing ahead, just getting delayed by that silly thing called life.

Log in or register to post comments. But I don't think that is what you are asking about.

When proxy with authentification set and I press search button program crashes with following error: I have informed the original author, TIM but somehow he has no stright answer and apparently no time to search the problem. I fall on a page from the site "stinaff.

winpt 1.2.0

And I have been busy with my new niece. By all means please download it, try it out, and let me know how it works for you. January 6, - 3: If the latter, he may winptt other things occupying his time. My other installation already existed.

WinPT Portable 1.4.2 Dev Test 6

Download link doesn't work. June 28, - 1: May 12, - February 14, - Even is a little late this comment, i wish to inform that I don't use WinPT, but Kee Pass shows me an unconsistent behaviour with the automatic filling of user id and passwords fields. Perhaps GPA would be better https: So far, it doesn't sound like what winptt are describing has anything to do with the portablizing of WinPT.

WinPT Portable is supposed to search in the following order: I need this one. I will try to prepare collection of texts clearsigned under different circuumstnaces in different appsbefore and after transmission and will let you know.

Wald: Windows Privacy Tray: Project Filelist for Windows Privacy Tray

This will cause WinPT Portable 2. February 28, - 9: Wikipedia winnpt only compatible with the old GPG version. At present I am not able to operate the winpt at home, on my home computer, w2k, with no gpg or winpt installed, the winpt does not start, it finds some 'preexisting key conflict'.

Or is my site being blocked by a firewall of some sort on your end?

winpt 1.2.0

For example, i'd like to be able to have this kind of structure: Seems some files got clobbered in a website upgrade.

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